Born on September 15, 1976 María Trinidad Sánchez (Nagua), Dominican Republic. Of self-training
Group Exhibitions
1999 Art Exhibition Apec promotion of women (Promapec)
2000 Group exhibition with members of the (CODAP)
2002 Collective exhibition TREAT Colectiva
2003 Anniversary of the Dominican College of artists
2005 Class Day artist. Dominican College of artists
2007 Teatro Argentina, new plants, Pettoruti Emilio Sala, Argentina
2004 Contest Exhibit Shares contemporary mega Vistas
2005 Group exhibition (painting International House Theater)
2006 Collective Exhibition (Concurso Agro and Nature)
2006-07 exhibition (International Paint House Theater)
2005-08 1st. and 2nd. Biennial Prize Palette Nickel Candido Bido Museum
2005-07 XXIII and XXIV Biennale of Visual Arts National Museum of Modern Art
2006-08 XXI and XXII Contest Eduardo Leon Jimenez
Solo Exhibitions
2002 Inductive forms of the chance, Dominican College of artists
2003 Figuración reflexive. (CODAP)
2004 Block House Italy and screws. Sto Dgo.
2005 Interconnection Line Art Center Convite, Gazcue, Interconnection Line II
2005 Dominican College of artists (CODAP)
2006 Migration, Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE)
2009 Aberturas dimensional space, Casa de Teatro.
Awards and Recognition
2004 3rd. Award Shares contemporary (mega views)
2005 Mention International House Theater, RD
2005 Special Jury Mention XXIII Bienal Nacional de Artes Visuales
2006 Honorable Mention International House Theater, RD
2007 3rd. Instead, International Paint House Theater